Have you taken a Time Audit lately? This episode is dedicated to my Mompreneurs that feel like there is not enough time in the world and starting to question how they can do all the things and be all the things. Brittney Frohock, your Habit Hacking, Master Manifestor Mompreneur & Wellness Mentor is giving us 8 EFFECTIVE Time Management Tips to help us reclaim our time and not lose our minds! Her goal is to empower women by revamping their mindset & rewiring their habits to create fulfilling and productive lives they love.
8 Effective Time Management Tips:
1. Take a time audit (see how time is currently spent).
2. Time blocking vs energy flow task tackling.
3. Priming your environment (free guide available here: http://bit.ly/FreePrimingGuide).
4. Communicate expectations with family.
5. Set boundaries for work/family time.
6. Batch create business content.
7. Prioritize self-care.
8. Hire help if needed/able.
Connect with Brittney Frohock here:
Habit Self Care Coaching-https://herecomeshealthy.wufoo.com/forms/habit-self-care-coaching/
Okay, Fam! Take a screenshot of this episode, tag me and Brittney on Instagram: @chante_franco_llc and @BrittneyLeighBBC
Message and let us know what your favorite takeaway or 'AHA' Moment!
Additional Resources just for YOU: https://linktr.ee/chantefranco
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